In May 2009, the Civic Museum of Bisaccia was opened to the public on the ground floor of the Ducal…
Torre di Girifalco
It is probably the oldest part of the town of Torella, the name comes from the German word Geirfalk, ie…
Abbey of Goleto
St. William of Vercelli, consecrated monaco year 1100, was a pilgrim and hermit. He arrived in the plain of Goleto…
Abbazia degli Eremiti
Situated between the river and San Angelo Boccanova this church was the first in the territory morres . It was…
Casa Loreto
Casa Loreto is one of the great mansions of the city. In the historic center, a few steps from the…
Church Sant’Anna
St. Anne’s Church was built in 1783 and restored in the last century as a result of the earthquake. The…
Museo dell’Opera
The Museum of the Opera is on the first level of the building incorrectly said ‘castle’ and collects the finds…
Church San Vito
Each family in the area on his way with the sacrifice of the valley of Candriano to collect sand and…
Cappella di S. Maria del Carmine
The chapel was built in 1667 by the noble Bucci Carmine for his deep devotion to St. Mary of Carmel…