Farm Farm Hills Irpini John Zuccardi is a merger of experiences, sacrifices and traditions handed down from generation to generation by their ancestors, farmers out of passion and necessity. Then as now it remains a small family business where among the many objectives is also very important to the realization of typical products of high quality. Particular attention is dedicated to the enhancement of the traditions of Irpinia, by offering genuine products, from raw materials produced on site, chosen with extreme care. The products offered by the farm will only vegetables and seasonal fruits such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, zucchini flowers, green beans, carrots, chard, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, corn, beans, apples annurca, apples and much limoncelle even more.
Street San Vito s.n.c., 83054 – Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi (AV)
Cell.: +39 320 4847264