
For a traditional Easter, a sweet classic of Irpinia

The Panaro is a dessert that is prepared during the Easter period. In the past, during Lent, it observed a great food  moderation, which excluded from the tables meat, eggs and cheese, but with the arrival of Holy Week deprivations ended, and the eggs were a food especially used for the preparation of Easter cakes.
The panaro form was not, however, unique. The classic one was shaped basket (the Panaro, from which the derivation of the name) but for the boys favored a more fun aspect such as that of a rooster or a dove, for girls a dolls or moon, and heart for their beloved.

200 g sugar
200 gr lard (or butter)
grated rind of one lemon
packet of yeast for desserts
5 medium eggs
600 g flour
Ingredients for decorating:
cake decorations to taste
1 beaten egg for brushing
1 egg white eggs

To prepare panaro put the flour in a large bowl and mix with sugar and baking powder sifted, then add the softened lard (or butter) and the grated lemon peel. Finally add the eggs and knead the mixture. Stir the mixture to mix the ingredients well. The consistency of the dough will be quite soft. Model the panaro directly on baking paper, according to the form chosen. The “Panaro” place, with light pressure on the dough, one or more eggs in their shells (always an odd number), that should be blocked on the cake with the dough sticks. Lay the panaro on the oven tray previously lined with baking paper. Brush the surface with beaten egg and garnish with poppy seeds, sesame or of colored sugar. Cook in the oven at 180 ° -200 ° C for about 35-40 minutes, until they become golden. Freshly baked Panaro, where it was cooked in the same pan, sprinkle with colored sugar and let it cool.
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